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Why You Don't Need To Live In London To Be A Blogger
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

Why You Don't Need To Live In London To Be A Blogger

I'm sure if you have even the tiniest bit of knowledge about the blogging world then you will know that it would appear that all 'big time bloggers'  live in London. Even writing that makes me feel a little gross because I don't agree in the slightest about tiering the blogging world because everyone has their own place and value. And for the most part, it's become a presumption that all bloggers live in London and it's been something that comes up not only in my mind a lot but conversation with others too. I'm such a big believer that you don't have to be in London to be an awesome blogger at all and here are a few thoughts on the whole topic. 

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Beauty Products That Don't Budge
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

Beauty Products That Don't Budge

We're supposedly getting into Spring in the UK, although I'm not sure I'm convinced as at the time of writing this I'm still bundled up in my thermals. So it's the season that we really need our makeup to stay around and in general, I want to be purchasing the beauty products that don't budge at all. Because there is nothing worse than working hard to create a stunning makeup look only for it to slide away moments later. So from nail polish to mascara here are the beauty products that I find really stay put. 

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Being An Anxious Driver & Learning In Your 20's
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

Being An Anxious Driver & Learning In Your 20's

On Wednesday I finally passed my driving test and I wanted to scream it from the rooftops as well as finally sitting down to write a post about the entire thing. I've wanted to write about my time learning to drive because I know it's something that other people really struggle with but it's not something that people love to talk about it because it's seen as an embarrassment. So many people go through driving lessons like they're the easiest thing in the world but so many of us don't. As well as being an incredibly anxious driver I've also waited until I was a little bit older to learn which isn't that common as most people get it done in their teens.

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5 Things That I Really Love To Buy But Don't Need
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

5 Things That I Really Love To Buy But Don't Need

2017 is definitely the year of less for me and I'm trying to be more conscious of the things that I'm buying and getting rid of any mass amounts of clutter in my life. But there are a few things that I absolutely love to buy that I don't have any dire need for apart from the fact that they make me incredibly happy. And if it adds value to your life, isn't completely wasteful and you're not getting yourself into financial distress buying it then I think it's ok to make those purchases every now and again. 

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The Best Things I've Found For Working Smarter Not Harder & Dealing With The Mid Day Slump
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

The Best Things I've Found For Working Smarter Not Harder & Dealing With The Mid Day Slump

If there is one post that I absolutely adore reading it's about people's work days and how they try and streamline everything. Because I'm pretty sure all off us would like to work smarter instead of logging those extra hours in and it's definitely something that I've worked at a lot over the years. It's all trial and error with finding what works for you and how you personally work for sure but there are some fail-safe things that I really think not only help you get your work day flowing a little easier but also avoiding that mid-afternoon slump too. Because I'm sure we've all been there at around 3-4 and really felt the tiredness kick in. 

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The Declutter Diaries
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

The Declutter Diaries

After writing numerous posts about decluttering in the past I thought it might be fun to share the results of those ruthless rifles through my beauty stash. I've had my usual Spring clean like I always do at this time of year and I'm going to be starting a new segment on the blog today called 'The Declutter Diaries'. So from everything I'm getting rid of to what I'm going to be using next here is the first instalment of The Declutter Diaries. 

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Why Spring Is The Best Season To Get Shit Done
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

Why Spring Is The Best Season To Get Shit Done

If you followed my blog at all this Winter just gone you will know that I'm not a big fan of the season, whereas most people seem to revel in A/W and love getting all cosy. It's a time of year that I struggle with and last year was probably one of the hardest yet so to say I've welcomed in Spring would be an understatement. And on a dog walk a few days ago when I was stood with my face soaking up the sun it made me realise all the best things that happen in Spring and why I think it's the best season to get shit done.

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Let's Talk...Anti-Ageing
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

Let's Talk...Anti-Ageing

Something I've wanted to write about for a while is anti-ageing skincare but I've never known where to start with the whole thing. At nearly 27 I can't deny that it's been on my mind lately and some people may scoff that I'm far too young to be thinking about it but in my mind prevention [as much as possible] is better than trying to get my skin back into shape when it's gone past the point of no return. Today's beauty post isn't so much about products but it's more an open forum to talk about anti-ageing, where you stand on it and what do you really recommend.

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Spring Style Purchases, Transitional Outfits and A Chat About Personal Style
Rebecca Buxton Rebecca Buxton

Spring Style Purchases, Transitional Outfits and A Chat About Personal Style

Style and I are having a real moment right now which I'm thoroughly enjoying. It's been a while since I've felt truly excited about style and just dressed for what was suitable and what I felt kind of good in, but this year I've felt a shift and I've really enjoyed not only styling myself but consuming more style content too. As I'm trying to be more conscious about what I'm purchasing as well as not having a huge budget I'm by no means purchasing myself a new wardrobe but there are a couple of things that I've loved picking up as well as one big purchase that I've been contemplating for a while. So here are the outfits that I've been wearing going into Spring, some new wardrobe additions and just a general chit chat about style.

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