Kickstarting Your Ideas Process

We've probably all experienced that horrible 'I've run out of ideas' feeling. When you're constantly wracking your brain to think of something awesome it can become very overwhelming. As I've recently come out of a huge ideas slump. I thought I'd share a few ways to kickstart your ideas process when you're falling a little flat with them. 


Whenever I feel uninspired I always read. But I don't tend to read blogs. When you're trying to create something I find reading or viewing content in the same genre can cloud your mind. It can fill your head with other people's ideas. Which isn't always a good thing as it can stop you from putting your own stamp on an idea. Some people like to watch movies to kick start their ideas process. And I do find that can work to an extent but nothing will ever beat a good book for me. Not only does it kick start my ideas but it broadens my writing skills too. We take books and literature for granted because it's something we're constantly surrounded by. But they're such incredible sources of inspiration. 


It feels like we're having the longest Winter ever in the UK. And when it's so cold and miserable outside. Getting the urge to go out is pretty difficult. Even if it's just for half an hour or so it can make all the difference to the way your mind feels. We all spend so much time online and attached to a screen and it can be really damaging for your creativity. Getting outside is important for anyone but when you work from home it's even more essential. Being in the same space and four walls for hours on end can be tough. 


We all have our own ways of staying inspired in our creative field. But when you're feeling the strain with your ideas. It can be all too easy to try and force yourself to think of something that might work. I've always found that our best ideas come to us when we're least expecting it. Just like most things in life they can catch us off guard. When you force your ideas you're never going to feel truly happy with what you're producing. It's hard to take a step back. But if you do you'll come back with bigger and better ideas. Then if you'd forced yourself to think of something that you weren't entirely happy with just for the sake of putting something out. 


In the blogging world, we encounter a lot of different opinions. Which is something I personally love, it helps broaden my mind and I become a better person for it. Being narrow-minded and dismissive isn't a nice trait to have. Also, in the blogging world, it can be super easy to see only the 'blogging' side of things. When in reality a lot of people in the 'non-blogging' world are going to read it. As much as I like to make things look pretty and perfected. It's not always realistic to think that way. When thinking of idea's one of my favourite things to do is to look at it from a different point of view. Or even ask someone else how would they do things. 

How do you like to kick start your ideas process?

R x

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