Normal service will return shortly...

Hello all! A slightly sad post today as I have decided to have a little break from 'From Roses' my decision for doing this is because I simply do not have the time for my beloved blog and as of late it has simply felt like a little bit of chore and I am not enjoying the things I m writing about. I mean if I'm not enjoying it then how is anybody else meant to? After all I started this blog for fun and to write about the things that I love and I want to re-kindle my love for blogging and go back to the basics. I will also be completely re-doing the layout and logo for my blog as I am little tired of how girly it currently looks and I want it too look more clean & simple and also easier to navigate. 

Also whilst I am writing this I wanted to say a huge thank you to everybody who reads my blog and leaves the lovely comments. I really appreciate everything that you guys say :) 

Hopefully my hiatus won't be too long and when I return things will be much better :)


Welcome back...


My life in photo's #15