Feels Like Home

I have two mind sets when it comes to interiors, super clean and minimal or welcoming and homely. When I first decorated my room I always thought I would keep the walls quite bare but over the past year I've slowly started to add more and more personal touches to my room and it really feels like home.

I spend so much time in my room because it is also my office, since getting a desk back in January I must have changed it around a 100 times or more. I'm easily bored of things and I like to move my surroundings around as I find it helps me stay productive too. Fresh flowers have become a permanent fixture, I've quickly learnt which ones last and I love buying a £3 bunch of carnations as I can get a good three weeks out of them and it is nice to have some greenery on my desk. 

That pin board has been living above my dressing table since last year but it was a little unloved. I store all my necklaces on it as it keeps them tangle free and in my eye line so I remember to put one on too. On the other half of it I have sentimental items like cards,pictures and various other bits like tickets etc as I'm such a softie at heart. Something I want to utilise more in my room is books, I have hundreds throughout the house but no where to really store them so I'm currently trying to work out how to have more space for them. 

Although I'm 24 I still have teddies around my room, they should probably be stored away somewhere but I like seeing them around. With white walls and furniture it is already pretty minimal but I love having my personal trinkets scattered around it is what makes my room feel like mine and there is nothing better than coming home after a long day to my little space.

How do you make your space feel like home?

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