6 Beauty Products That I Used To Hate But Now I'm Trying Them Out

Beauty is something that is incredibly subjective and it's all a matter of opinion of what we like and what we don't. And that is personally one of my favourite things about beauty as what one person will love one person won't and I always love to hear about the things that people don't like. Maybe it's because I'm British and having a good moan is just part of our culture? So here are the beauty products that I really used to dislike but now I've been giving them a try and actually quite enjoying. 


For so long I've been against bronzer, I've never believed that I've got the right type of skin tone and for the most part a bog standard bronzer just won't cut it for me. I need something that's very fair and more taupe in tone than orange but then that is toeing a fine line as so often anything taupe can make you look a little grey than sunkissed. Every time I'd used bronzer in the past it just made me look dirty but with the right one, it does leave that lovely glow on the skin that I'm sure we all want at some point. And it was only because I'd had bronzer used on me by other people that it showed me that maybe it was something that I could wear. When you're pale it's hard to think something so stark could work but with the right product it really can and it's such an easy way to add a healthy glow to the skin. 


If there is one word that doesn't come into my vocabulary when it comes to beauty it's bright. I tend to go for muted tones which I do love but sometimes it's nice to go for something a little brighter. I'm starting off small and easy of course and just going for a brighter pedicure as it's easy enough to do and if I don't like it then I can change it. Now we're getting into the real warmer months my feet are on show a little more and having that pop of colour is so refreshing.


Maybe it was years of wearing heavy black eyeliner from my days of being a scene kid that I ditched it a while ago. And it did get to the point that I was scared I was staining my eyelids. Because I have quite round eyes liner isn't always the most flattering thing but a thin line with a little wing is something that I've found can work really well. Eyeliner is something that takes a lot of practice and I've found that I prefer to use a dark shadow rather than an actual liner to create a more smudged out effect. Ran through the water line is something I've always done on occasion but wearing it on the lid again is a whole new area for me.


I've spoken about my distaste for bronze eyeshadow many times in the past. And it's not so much that I don't like them as a product it's more that 90% of eye palettes are always bronze in tone and very warm. I still stand by the fact that anything really warm on the eye just doesn't work for me but there are a couple of shadows recently that have been getting it right for me. It was the Tarlette in Bloom palette that really pushed me towards them and you can see how it looks on my eyes in this post. I'm still never going to the girl who has a multitude of bronze shadows on her lids but as a simple warm wash of colour, it's something that I've really been enjoying.


I don't like my brows at all, I've been growing them out for a few years after getting a little too pluck happy with them and now I'm just a little unsure what to do with them. I'm fortunate that they're not a terrible shape but they could do with a helping hand. Usually, I just fill in any sparse areas but I've been liking making them a little bit heavier lately. Nothing too crazy and I'll never be someone who plucks and prunes my brows into a perfect arch as quite frankly that would look absolutely ridiculous but having a little more of a statement is something I really enjoy at the moment. 


It wasn't so much that I hated mineral foundations but it's more that I just didn't understand them. I didn't know how a powder could be a full coverage foundation and how it would be flattering on the skin. I believed it would make my skin look incredibly flat and powdery but after being taught how to use one properly I couldn't think anymore differently. I do use them in combination with another base just on top for that little bit more coverage but the way that they melt and glide onto the skin is absolutely beautiful and I know it's a product that so many people are scared of and I completely understand why as they do look terrifying and difficult to use but they're not at all.

Have you ever changed your mind on a beauty product?


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