How To Wash Your Hair As Little As Possible

Getting out of the daily hair washing cycle is something I’m unbelievably proud of myself for doing. Which I’m sure probably sounds ridiculous to most people but I was addicted to washing my hair even though I knew it wasn’t good for my fine lacklustre tresses and its taken me years to take better care of my hair. It wasn’t until I had to chop it all off did I start taking things seriously, my hair is such a big part of my identity and completely f’ing it up wasn’t something I wanted to do. As of right now, I’m attempting to master the 5-day hair wash cycle as I’m trying to grow my hair out for my wedding and obviously the less I wash my hair the healthier that it is and this is how I’m doing it.

the plan

the double wash

This is something that I’ve done off and on for a couple of years now and lately because I’m trying to go longer in between washes I’m shampooing my hair twice and it’s such a game-changer. Even though I don’t use a huge amount of products in my hair, nowhere near the amount I once did I did find that I’m prone to build up and washing twice gets rid of that issue completely. My hair feels as clean as it does when I get it washed at the hairdressers which is something that I’ve never been able to replicate at home before. I also only shampoo at my root now instead of my entire head which may sound obvious but it wasn’t something I’d done before.

great products

As well as the double hair wash something I’m else relying on a lot at the moment is the best products in my beauty stash. Whilst I don’t have any problem with SLS I know it’s not the best for my hair so I’m steering clear of that and then I’m not overloading it with styling products either, just a nourishing oil through the ends once I’ve washed it and a detangling spray. As we’re in winter a big chunky scarf is an important part of my daily outfit so my hair is getting quite knotty and tangled so a conditioning spray is vital so I don’t rip loads of my hair out.

minimal styling

These days I only heat style my hair once or twice a week max, the rest of the week I leave it alone. Most days I loosely tie it up in silk scrunchie so it’s up and out of my face as I can be quite bad for fiddling and playing with my hair which makes it unnecessarily oily.

cleaning my tools regularly

Like most people, the thought of cleaning my hairbrushes and heat tools doesn’t fill me with excitement but it’s really necessary. There’s a lot of grime that builds up on my tools and I notice that even on clean hair if I’ve got dirty tools then not only does my hair feel a little gross but it also aggravates my scalp. The easiest way I’ve found to clean them is to let them soak in warm water and shampoo so all the product residue comes away easily.

the products I’m using

-some of these products are PR samples-


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