How many days without washing?

I've been conducting a little experiment lately of how many days I can go without washing my hair. Re-wind 3 years a go and I used to washed my hair every single day without fail, even though I knew it was a such a bad habit but I found it so hard to get out of it. I slowly started to skip days and now I can go a whole 4 days without washing, of course I have to use dry shampoo when I get to the day 3 mark but I can't help but notice how much happier my hair is because of this. 

There are only certain shampoos & conditioners I can get away with whilst going so long in between washing, as much as I love my volumising options sometimes they can leave a heavy feeling to my locks. The Bumble and Bumble Seaweed Shampoo* & Conditioner* are an oily scalped girls dream as they leave the hair squeaky clean without drying or rinsing any colour away. Even though this pairing offer nothing special they leave my hair so soft and shiny and my volumising styling products seem to work so much better too. 

Of course I have to use a dry shampoo when going so long without washing just lightly spritzed through my roots and it absolutely saves my fringe. My current weapon of choice is the Batiste Pretty & Opulent Oriental option which doesn't leave as much of a white cast as the blush one did. My hair feels so much healthier from cutting back on the amount of times I wash it and seems to be growing at alarmingly quick speed too. Letting my hair getting a little greasy and work with its natural oils has done me and locks the world of good. 

How often do you wash your hair?
This months gold sponsor is Jamie the southern Californian who writes the beauty blog Makeup Life and Love, you can advertise on From Roses here.

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